Thursday, September 27, 2007
Governor Supports Conyer's Initative on Pension and Benefit Protection
"I applaud the efforts of my friend Congressman Conyers on behalf of working Americans, as well as the vital work done on this issue by the AFL-CIO and other unions. Protecting pensions and benefits is essential to the economic security of our workers and our nation.
"We need to reform bankruptcy laws to require large corporations to honor pension obligations to their employees. Workers who lose their retirement funds in Enron-style collapses should go to the front of the line in bankruptcy. Too often companies siphon away money from their bankrupt divisions into healthier ones and then claim to have no money left to pay for the health and retirement benefits of the bankrupt division’s employees. That is an outrage. When I am President, I will not tolerate loopholes that allow companies to defraud their workers.
"We need a President who will fight for working Americans. When I am in the White House, my Secretary of Labor will be a union member, and workers will be guaranteed the rights and benefits that they have earned."
Richardson Would Drop Boy Scouts if Elected
(Hanover, New Hampshire) Gov. Bill Richardson said Wednesday night that he is if elected president he would her would refuse to accept the position of Honorary Chair of the Boy Scouts of America because of Scouting's ban on gays.
The New Mexico governor made the pledge during a Democratic presidential debate in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Richardson was asked if he would accept the chair of the organization, traditionally offered to presidents.
"No, I wouldn’t, because I think as president I would commit myself, number one, that I will be a leader that prevents discrimination on the basis of race, gender and sexual orientation," he replied.Bill Richardson has been a champion of equal rights for all, and has fought tirelessly for domestic parternship rights in New Mexico. LTS
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Ads Don't Kill People, Wars Do
Everywhere I go on this campaign -- from Iowa to New Mexico -- I hear people asking when is this war going to end and when will we get all of our troops out of Iraq? Everyone, myself included, is tired of waiting for this war to end and tired of feeling let down by the people we elected.
The message I hear on the road seems pretty clear to me, but apparently the people in Congress aren't getting it. I know legislating is hard work -- I spent 15 years in Congress -- but I believe that when the people have given you a mandate, and soldiers are dying, it is your solemn duty to get the job done no matter what it takes.
Two days ago the Senate had a chance to help get more of our soldiers home for longer periods of time -- but the measure failed. Yesterday they had a chance to set a timeline to start withdrawing troops -- but that failed too. And today, another measure that would've required a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq failed. Three chances to make a difference, lost. But instead of continuing to push on the most important issue facing our country right now, yesterday Congress spent their time debating and condemning a newspaper ad by an anti-war group.
Let's get some perspective here -- ads don't kill people -- wars kill people. And it is long past time to end this war.
From my many years of diplomatic negotiations I have learned that persistence is key to wearing down the most recalcitrant opponents. So I will be persistent -- and I hope you all will too. If we don't get this done now, we may not have a chance again until a Democrat is in the White House in 2009. That is too long to wait.
And while I firmly believe a Democrat will win in November 2008, I also know that some of the other candidates don't share my clear vision for ending the war.
I have been asking them -- how many troops will you leave behind?
My answer is zero.
Their answers are starting to remind me of the same rhetoric we hearing from DC, a little too much hemming, a little too many "we'll see's."
Every day Congress fails to end this war is another day Congress fails to do what we elected them to do. Americans have lost patience with Congress and with the leaders they elected to end the war. But you know what? We have the power. We can end the war.
Let's do that together.
Richardson: Get Our Troops Out NOW!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Richardson UP AGAIN in IOWA!
The poll of 600 likely Democratic caucus-goers was conducted by Strategic Vision between August 17th and 19th. The poll shows Senators Edwards, Obama, and Clinton bunched together at 23, 22, and 21 percent, respectively. Joe Biden drew the support of 5 percent, with Chris Dodd and Dennis Kucinich at 1 percent each.
"It's an easy equation for our campaign. The more Iowans that meet Governor Richardson, the more support we get in the state," said campaign manager Dave Contarino.
The poll follows Governor Richardson's six-day trip through the Hawkeye State, where he released his plan for jobs and the economy and delivered a widely praised performance at the ABC/DNC Presidential Debate in Des Moines.
"Governor Richardson's grassroots campaigning is paying off. Voters are seeing that Governor Richardson is the candidate of both change and experience," said Contarino. "We are gaining traction in polls across the country, and particularly in the early primary states."
Recent polls for the ONE Campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire confirm that Governor Richardson is in the double-digits in those key states. The latest poll of Nevada, by Research 2000, shows that Governor Richardson has climbed into the double-digits in Nevada, as well.
Richardson Responds to Limbaugh on Darfur
Limbaugh reportedly said that Democrats "want to get us out of Iraq, but they can't wait to get us into Darfur." He continued: "There are two reasons. What color is the skin of the people in Darfur? It's black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep voting for them? If they lose a significant percentage of this voting bloc, they're in trouble." The caller responded, "The black population," to which Limbaugh said, "Right."
"The situation in Darfur is a human tragedy of unprecedented scale that demands action. It is a humanitarian issue, not a partisan political issue. I went to Darfur because human beings are being killed on a horrific scale. I negotiated a cease-fire because rape is being used as a weapon against tens of thousands of helpless women and girls. I have kept this issue front and center because hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes and all their possessions. Anyone with a heart cares about Darfur -- anyone with a conscience must and should care about this suffering. America cares -- it is the current administration that hasn't lived up to America's tradition of compassion. I've been saying for months we must keep the pressure on China, Russia and Sudan. We can resolve this crisis through diplomacy, just as we should have done with Iraq -- our kids don't need to be sent into the middle of a civil war. Only when US foreign policy is based on our American principles will the world again respect American leadership and only then will we have the credibility to stop international crises and humanitarian disasters. "
Richardson Responds to Clinton Statement on Terrorism
According to the Associated Press, Senator Clinton yesterday said: "It's a horrible prospect to ask yourself 'What if? What if?' But if certain things happen between now and the election, particularly with respect to terrorism, that will automatically give the Republicans an advantage again, no matter how badly they have mishandled it, no matter how much more dangerous they have made the world. So I think I'm the best of the Democrats to deal with that as well."
"We shouldn't be thinking about terrorism in terms of its domestic political consequences, we should be protecting the country from terrorists," said Governor Richardson. "Senator Clinton seems to think that President Bush has made this country safer. I disagree with her. Our failed policy in Iraq is making us less safe. Our ports are less safe. Our cities are less safe. Our transportation systems are less safe. George Bush is cutting funding to first responders. America's alliances are in disarray because of this President. We need someone with an international record of accomplishments to rebuild strong American international leadership to keep Americans safe. I am prepared to stand up to the GOP on national security because I've been there and done it. I've been in the negotiating rooms. I've faced the dictators. I've brought hostages and service men home. I've broken an impasse on North Korean nuclear facilities. I was instrumental in bringing the North Koreans to the table and getting this deal to shut down the nuclear reactor in place. I've got more international experience than the all GOP candidates combined."
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Happy Anniversary Governor and Mrs. Richardson!

SANTA FE, NM -- Today, Governor Bill Richardson and First Lady Barbara Flavin Richardson celebrate 35 years of marriage.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Bill walks in 4th of July parades
Governor Richardson was in New Hampshire over the is some great video!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Richardson's Momentum Continues to Build
"I am extremely honored and proud of the tremendous support I am receiving from the Latino community," stated Governor Bill Richardson. "As I travel the country and have the opportunity to talk with Latinos, my support continues to grow. This election is about empowering the grassroots to get involved in our electoral process. I am happy that the Latino population will play such an important role in deciding who our next President will be."
Earlier this week polls showed that Governor Richardson continues to build strong upward momentum across the board, particularly in Iowa and New Hampshire.
"If the caucuses were held today, who would you support?"
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Bill Richardson
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Dennis Kucinich
Chris Dodd
Don't Know/NA
The poll of 500 likely Iowa caucus-goers was conducted for the Richardson campaign by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin and Associates June 18-20, 2007 and has a margin of error of + 4.4%.
*Among "likeliest" caucus-goers (representing just over 40% of the sample -- voters who attended the 2004 caucuses, voted in the 2006 primary, and say they are definite to attend next year's caucus)
Clinton -- 37 percent
Obama -- 19 percent
Edwards -- 9 percent
Richardson -- 9 percent
undecided -- 16 percent
WHDH-TV/Suffolk University poll of 500 likely New Hampshire voters released on June 27, 2007 with a margin of error of +/-4%.
Below is a list of Latinos endorsing Governor Bill Richardson for President:
Members of Congress
Congressman Silvestre Reyes, TXCongressman
Ed Pastor, AZ Congressman
Solomon Ortiz, TX
Presidential Appointees
Henry Cisneros, Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Clinton Administration Mickey Ibarra, Former Director of White House Intergovernmental Affairs, Clinton Administration
Ed Romero, Former Ambassador to Spain, Clinton Administration & Richardson for President National Finance Chair
Rick Hernandez, Deputy Assistant to President Clinton
Ana "Cha" Guzman, Educator and Businesswoman, Chair of President Clinton’s White House Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, President of Palo Alto College
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor
Tony Cardenas, City Councilman, City of Los Angeles
Lou Correa, State Senator, Santa Ana
Gilbert Cedillo, State Senator, Los Angeles
Denise Mareno-Ducheny, State Senator, San Diego
Joe Coto, Assembly Member, San Jose
Marsha Ramos, Mayor of Burbank
Sal Tiuajero, City Councilman, Santa Clara
Michele Martinez, Councilwoman, Santa Ana
Martha M. Escutia, former State Senator, Chair of Latino Caucus
Lori Saldana, Assembly Member, San Diego
Luis Aguinaga, Councilman, Aguinaga El Monte
Robert Fuentes, Basset School Board
Felipe E. Agredano (MTS), President Garvey Board of Education
Irene Redondo-Churchward, Executive Director Spiritt Family Services
Christopher Robles, CDP Executive Board Member Region 6 Vice Chair
Pete Gallego, TX State Representative, Chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus
Rick Noreiga, TX State Representative
Domingo Garcia, Former Dallas City Councilor
JD Salinas III, Hidalgo City Judge
Tony Villarreal, Mayor of Ft. Stockton
Gil Coronado, Retired Colonel
Ygnacio D. "Nacho" Garza, Former Mayor of Brownsville
Sylvia Romo, Bexar City Tax Assessor & Former State Representative
Frank Santos, President of Santos Alliances Gilberto Ocanas, Businessman and Democratic Activist
Rolando Rios, Attorney and Businessman
Sam Zamarripa, Former Georgia State Senator
Virgilio Perez Pascoe, Executive Fellow at Center for Hispanic Studies, Kennesaw State
Steve Gallardo, State House Representative, House Minority Whip, Phoenix
David Lujan, State House Representative, Phoenix
John Laredo, Former Minority Leader
Mr. Ronnie Lopez, Former Chief of Staff to Governor Bruce Babbitt
New Hampshire
Lily Mesa, State House Representative, Manchester
Carlos Gonzalez, Former State Representative, Manchester
Jose Parra, Goffstown
Sonia Parra, Goffstown
Diane Padilla, Weare
Anna Lopez, Manchester
Eva Castillo, Manchester
Fernando Hilarion, Manchester
Erlyn Martinez, Manchester
Angel Colon, Manchester
Cesar Fernandez, Manchester
Pete Escalera, Manchester
Margarita Fernandez-Letkowski, Manchester
Rodrigo Mena, Nashua
Juan Carlos Munoz, Nashua
Gustavo Moral, Bedford
Ernesto Sagas, Manchester
Ron Abramson, Concord
New Mexico
Toney Anaya, Former Governor
Jerry Apodaca, Former Governor
Roberto Mondragon, Former Lieutenant Governor
Mary Herrera, New Mexico Secretary of State and NALEO Board Member
Ben Lujan, New Mexico Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives
Ben D. Altamirano, New Mexico State Senate Pro Tempore
Marty Chavez, Mayor of Albuquerque
Hector Balderas, New Mexico State Auditor
Mary Jane M. Garcia, State Senator, Majority Whip
Phil A. Griego, State Senator
Richard C. Martinez, State Senator
Pete Campos, State Senator
Jose A. Campos, State Representative
Mary Helen Garcia, State Representative
Ken Martinez, State Representative
Antonio "Moe" Maestas, State Representative
Al Park, State Representative
Edward Sandoval, State Representative
Nick L. Salazar, State Representative
Jim R. Trujillo, State Representative
Ben Ray Lujan, Chair of Public Regulation Commission
Jim Baca, Former Mayor of Albuquerque, Former Director of the National Bureau of Land Management, Clinton Administration
Joseph Maestas, Mayor of Española
Henry Sanchez, Mayor of Las Vegas
Annadelle Sanchez, New Mexico Democratic Party Vice Chair / DNC Member
Virginia Vigil, Santa Fe City Commissioner
Valerie Espinoza, Santa Fe County Clerk
Harry Montoya, Santa Fe County Commissioner
Patsy Trujillo, Deputy Cabinet Secretary / Former State Representative
Don Francisco Trujillo II, Deputy Secretary of State and NALEO Board Member
South Carolina
Diana Salazar, Community Activist
Margarita Prentice, State Senator, Chair of Ways & Means Committee
Ross Romero, State Senator
Reynaldo Martinez, Nevada Campaign Chairman and Former Chief of Staff to Senator Reid
Carlos Blumberg, Attorney-at-Law
John F. Mendoza, Retired Judge/Community Leader
Luisa Mendoza, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Holly Johnson-Troncoso, Community Leader, Education Leader
Jose G. Troncoso, Former U.S. Marshal/Community Leader
Dr. Agustin Orci, Educational Leader
Xavier Rivas, Community Activist/Radio Talk Personality
Rosemary Flores, Community Leader
Dr. Raquel Casas, Community Leader
Alejandro Alvarez, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Gus Ramos, Community Leader/Seniors Advocate
Dr. Letitia Medina Worth, Education Leader
Horacio Lopez, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
George T. Lopez, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Robert Agonia, Retired IRS Agent/Community Leader
Sylvia Lazos, Professor of Law, University of Nevada-Las Vegas/Community Leader
Michael Pariente, Attorney-at-Law, Pariente Law Firm
Larry Mason, Board of School Trustee,Clark County School District
Dr. Emma Guzman Professor, University of Nevada-Reno/Community Activist
Alma Garcia-Vining , Education Leader/University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Eva Garcia-Mendoza, Attorney-at-Law, Mendoza-Snavely Law Firm
Luis Valera, Community Leader
Francisco Aguilar, Associate General Counsel, Southwest Gas/Community Leader
Eloiza Martinez, Immediate Past President, Latin Chamber of Commerce
Elizabeth Gallagher, Community & National Leader/Vice-Chair, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Susie Martinez, Community Leader/Assistant to Mayor Pro Tem Felipe Ortiz, Immediate Past President, National Latino Peace Officers Association
Peter Guzman, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Gabriela Wyett, Bank Administrator/Political Organization Leader
Rudy Prieto, CEO, Colony Resorts/Las Vegas Hilton
Daniel Medrano, Labor Leader
Senior Advisors & Senior Campaign Staff
Mike Stratton, Senior Advisor
Andre Pineda, Pollster
Ben Chao, National Deputy Political Director
Dan Sena, National Field Director
Tara Geise, Chief Financial Officer
Carlos Trujillo, Western States Political Director
Michelle Mayorga, Mid Western States Political Director/Florida Political Director
David Negrete, Iowa Political Director
Ed Espinosa, Nevada Field Director
Alexandra Sanchez, Deputy Research Director
Javier Trujillo, NV Political Director
Fernando Romero, NV Hispanic Outreach
Joaquin Guerra, Internet/Web
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Richardson Was Great on Meet the Press
So, I noticed that some of my brothers and sisters of the blog have been less than kind to my man, Bill Richardson, in my absence. This displeases me (in my head I sound like Don Corleone when I say this). Much of the fuss has been about Richardson's performance on Meet the Press Sunday with Tim Russert.
I watched that interview on Tuesday, once the dust had settled after this hectic weekend, and I didn't think he did a bad job at all, in fact I thought he handled most of the questions deftly. Here is the complete transcript:
Of course, no matter how many times he answers the same old tired questions he will always be asked about them. I think that frustration and exasperation showed a bit. In my opinion he has answered the Gonzales, Whizzer White, and baseball draft questions satisfactorily. He was honest, and apparently honesty is not appreciated in today's political climate. I think that people want him to change his story so they can pounce on him as a flip-flopper and a liar. There is no satisfying this crowd.
What makes me really angry is Russert put up a bunch of statistics that made New Mexico seem like a poor cousin of the third world. Russert said, "This is New Mexico’s scorecard, and you are the governor. Percent of people living below the poverty line, you’re 48. Percent of children below, 48. Median family income, 47. People without health insurance, 49. Children without health insurance, 46. Teen high school dropouts, 47. Death rate due to firearms, 48. Violent crime rate, 46. You’re the very bottom of all those statistics of all 50 states, and you’re the governor for five years." When Richardson tried to answer the question Russert cut him off and said, "But these rankings are troubling." Yes, New Mexico is a state with poverty and crime, but great progress has been made, and the thanks belongs largely to our brilliant Governor. Thanks to Bill Richardson every child under the age of 5 is covered by health insurance. Richardon's pro-growth agenda has created 82,000 jobs, and that number should impress anyone, especially given New Mexico's population, which is not much over 1.5M. Many of these jobs are high paying jobs, because Governor Richardson has offered tax incentives to companies that were willing to bring jobs to the state that paid over the prevailing wage. Speaking of wages, Richardson has been instrumental to New Mexico raising the minimum wage...but I digress, back to the interview.
Russert slams Richardson for getting the name of a Marine killed in our war of terror wrong and using a conversation he had with the marine's mom on the campaign trail. This is really hideous, Richardson is nothing less than a hero. When he learned that the death benefit to reserve soldiers was only $11,000, he was horrified and raised it to $250,000. Richardson is a HERO for this. 36 other states have followed his lead, and now the federal government is, too.
And, as if this really matters at all, with all of the serious issues facing America today, there is the Boston Red Sox/New York Yankees issue, clearly the most salient and relevant issue of our time, and Russert devoted a lot of time to this. Listen, it is possible to be both a Sox fan and a Yanks fan as LONG AS YOU DO NOT LIVE IN EITHER PLACE. Let's talk about things that really matter. Let's talk about jobs, health care, energy, the environment, and the war. In all these areas Richardson has the best plan, if only we will listen.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Bill Richardson's AWESOME New Ads!
This just in from the incredibly creative team of Murphy Putnam Media, who also produced the Gubernatorial race ad that everyone loved "Gimme a Milk". Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
SANTE FE, NM ---- New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson today blasted President Bush's veto of Democrat sponsored legislation that would have set a timeline for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. The Governor called on Congress once again to immediately pass a resolution, under the War Powers Act, that would de-authorize the Iraq War and provide a rapid timetable for the withdrawal of US forces.
"The President is defying the will of the American people so it is time for Congress to take action that cannot be vetoed," said Governor Bill Richardson. "It is clear to all but the President that no military solution remains in Iraq. Mr. President, stubbornness is not foreign policy. The death of more than 100 U.S. soldiers there last month underscores the need to withdraw our brave men and women now. To continue with more of the same is not a strategy, it is a tragedy. The only solution is strong diplomacy and real political progress led by the Iraqis. Our troops have performed bravely, with honor and sacrifice, but it is time to get them out of the crossfire of a civil war. We need to redeploy all of our forces out of Iraq leaving no residual forces. Al Qaeda and other anti-American forces benefit from our continued presence in Iraq- it enables them to portray the US as imperialist occupiers- we need to deprive them of that propaganda. The truth is our enemies want us mired and bleeding in Iraq rather than fighting the real war against the real terrorists who attacked this country on 9/11."
Governor Richardson stated that only Congress has the authority to authorize war, and can also vote by resolution to de-authorize the war- which would require the military to remove all American troops from Iraq. Such a resolution does not require a Presidential signature and would therefore not be subject to veto.
Bill Richardson's 7 Point New Realism Plan for Iraq:
1. Troops Out in 2007: We should get our troops out of Iraq this year. Our continued presence there only enables the Iraqi factions to delay making the hard political choices they need to make to end the civil war.
2. No Residual Forces Left Behind: We must remove ALL of our troops. There should be no residual US forces left in Iraq. Most Iraqis, and most others in the region, believe that we are there for their oil, and this perception is exploited by both Al Qaeda, other insurgents, and anti-American Shia groups. By announcing that we intend to remove all troops, we would deprive them of this propaganda tool.
3. Congressional De-Authorization of War: President Bush has demonstrated neither competence nor honesty nor a sense of reality in his conduct of this war. I support the Feingold-Reid bill to force the President to end the war.
Congress must continue to use the power of the purse without cutting funds for troops on the ground, but we should also go one step further. Congress should assert its constitutional authority and pass a resolution de-authorizing the war under the War Powers Act. Congress can then set a military pull-out date and appropriate funds accordingly for the re-deployment of troops. -
4. Promote Iraqi Reconciliation: We should promote an Iraqi Reconciliation Conference to bring the factions together to seek compromises and to begin confidence-building measures, including the end of militia violence. Our redeployment will give us more leverage than we have now, caught in the crossfire, to get the Iraqis to reconcile.
5. Work With All Neighbors and Allies: We should convene a regional conference to secure the cooperation of all of Iraq's neighbors -- including Syria and Iran -- in promoting peace and stability. Among the key objectives of such a conference should be guarantees of non-interference, as well as the creation of a multilateral force of UN peacekeepers, should the Iraqis request one. The US should support such a force, but it should be composed of non-US, primarily Muslim troops.
6. Global Cooperation in Reconstruction: We should convene a donor conference to fund Iraq's reconstruction. The United States needs to show the world that we intend to return to our tradition of being a trusted leader, not a unilateralist loner. The process of disengagement is an opportunity for us to show that we have turned the corner, and that we intend to rebuild our alliances, respect international law, and work with the international community.
7. Redeploy to Address Real Threats: We must redeploy some of our troops to stop the resurgence of the Taliban and to fight the real terrorists who attacked this country on 9-11. While all American troops in Iraq must be removed, we need to maintain a military presence in the region, including in Kuwait and in the Persian Gulf. We must have the regional capacity to use air power, special forces and other means to strike Al Queda anywhere. We do not need American troops in Iraq to perform this essential task.
We also must bring our National Guard home where they are needed for homeland security, and we must focus our energy and resources on real threats, such as nuclear proliferation, Al Qaeda, public health, and global warming.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Governor Bill Richardson Calls for US Leadership and Action to Stop Darfur Genocide
SAN FRANCISCO, CA -New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson today challenged the Bush administration to take significant and meaningful action to help end the deadly violence taking place in the Darfur region of Sudan. The Governor told the crowd of people attending the Global Darfur Days rally in San Francisco that the people of Darfur want to know when the world is going to help.
Here is the complete text of the Governor's remarks today in San Francisco:
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
North Korean Breakthrough

After years of confrontation with virtually the entire world, the regime in North Korea yesterday took its first steps away from its policy of nuclear confrontation.
The North Koreans agreed to begin shutting down their Yongbyon atomic reactor, the facility that provides fuel for their nuclear weapons, and say they will allow UN weapons inspectors back into the country for the first time in five years.
The world is a safer place today, and I am proud to have played a role in securing this agreement.
I was in Pyongyang this week to secure the remains of six American servicemen who died during the Korean War.
This is a very positive gesture on the part of the North Korean government. Hopefully it will help heal the wounds from the Korean War and start a process to bring closure to the thousands of American families awaiting word about their loved ones who perished.
My years of experience dealing with North Korea and my knowledge of the region allowed me to help facilitate this new resolution to end their nuclear weapons program.
It will take a while for the media to understand the impact of this historic accord. NBC's Andrea Mitchell was the only network journalist in North Korea with us, and she has been leading the way with forward-looking coverage of this week's events.
Click here to watch MSNBC's coverage of North Korea's breakthrough announcement.
The bottom line is that diplomacy works - there is no other lesson to draw from this monumental breakthrough. And we desperately need someone in the White House who understands this and can restore American international leadership.
In today's world, we have to be willing to engage our adversaries in tough and direct talks that lead to resolution, not more confrontation and isolation. I don't have to tell you that there are trouble spots all over the world that could use some of this tough and smart American diplomacy.
I'm running for President, in part, to keep our country safe and secure. I'm proud that yesterday in North Korea I was able to make a contribution to real progress toward that goal.
Governor Bill Richardson
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
What a Great Start!
raising the minimum wage
legalizing marijuana for certain medical uses
toughening drunk driving laws
toughening domestic violence laws
He also fought hard for a bill that would give domestic partners, gay or straight, the same legal rights and protections as married people, even calling a special session to try to get the work done. The state House of Representatives came to work, but the Senate, in its infinite (what, laziness? cowardice? both??? or worse, maliciousness....) refused to entertain the bill. Richardson is not giving up on this, good for you Bill!
He was also busy lobbying hard for a tax bill in southern New Mexico to support a commercial spaceport. The vote was yesterday, and from what I hear the results are still too close to call, but I am rooting for it! Yet more visionary development from our Governor.
So, while the big dogs may have raised more money in their last three months of not having to do actual work, I am not worried. Hillary may have $26 Million, but how far will that go if she is buying endorsements at a half mil a pop?
Richardson Vetos Gardasil Bill
Governor, as a mom of three girls rapidly headed toward 6th grade, I thank you for not rushing this program forward. While I would love to believe in a vaccine that would protect my babies from cervical cancer, I want to make sure that this is tested and safe.
Richardson Wins March Madness
“We were very pleased with the response from our members,” ProgressNowAction Executive Director Michael Huttner said. “The results show that voters are taking an early interest in the presidential race, and that the West will be a crucial factor in the 2008 elections.”
After three rounds of one-on-one eliminations of 8 major Republican and Democratic presidential candidates and hopefuls at " a >Link<>, members selected New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson as the Democratic preference, and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for the Republicans. Each individual matchup was surprisingly close after the first round, with Giuliani edging Arizona Senator John McCain by a very close margin in the “Final Four.” Richardson came out ahead of Illinois Senator Barack Obama by almost 20% in the final round.
“This was not a scientific poll, nor was it intended to be anything more than a fun way for our members to express their preference early on in the race for President,” Huttner said. “The results show that Richardson enjoys support among ProgressNow’s Rocky Mountain membership, as well as Giuliani, but all of these candidates have much to prove to Colorado’s independent and progressive voters.”
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Richardson Calls for Withdrawl from Iraq

SANTA FE (AP) - Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson is again calling for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. Richardson, the governor of New Mexico, says the troops have done all they can and it's time to bring them home.
His comments came the day before the fourth anniversary of the start of the US-led war in Iraq. Richardson also is asking Americans to say a prayer for U-S military personnel serving their country and for the family and friends of those Americans who have died in the conflict.
Support Bill Richardson for President Website

Thursday, March 08, 2007
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Signs Landmark Clean & Renewable Energy Bills

on issue of global warming
SANTA FE, NM -- Governor Bill Richardson has signed two bills that enact major cornerstones of his clean energy agenda and make New Mexico one of the top two states for renewable energy requirements. The first law requires New Mexico utilities to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources, such as wind, solar, or biomass, by 2015 and 20% by 2020. The second law creates a Renewable Energy Transmission Authority to develop clean energy resources and market them to other states.
“In the absence of federal leadership, I feel a real sense of urgency to take action at the state level to fight global warming and strengthen our energy security,” said Governor Richardson. “Ramping up our use of renewable energy and reducing carbon-based emissions is the first step. These strategies also help to protect the environment, create high-tech, high-wage jobs and grow our economy.”
The results of a new poll, conducted in New Mexico on behalf of the National Environmental Trust by Research & Polling, Inc.*, show a majority of respondents- 57% - say Governor Richardson is a strong leader on the issue of global warming. Governor Richardson is the only person perceived as a strong leader on this critically important issue by a majority of poll respondents.
59% of those polled believe global warming is a serious problem, and a large majority believes the new Democrat controlled US Congress should take the lead in addressing global warming, renewable energy, and environmental protection. In the absence of federal leadership on this issue, Governor Richardson has taken aggressive action to make New Mexico a leader in reducing carbon-based emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy.
In 2004 Governor Richardson signed New Mexico’s first Renewable Portfolio Standard into law. This mandated that 5% of New Mexico’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2006, increasing to 10% by 2011. The Governor’s initiative that he signed into law this week dramatically increases these requirements and continues New Mexico’s leadership in the area of renewable energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
In the past few weeks alone Governor Richardson has signed a major, five state climate change agreement, announced a new Tesla electric car plant for Albuquerque, and a biodiesel plant in Clovis, NM.
Governor Bill Richardson Names Local Political Veteran Roberta Lange as Nevada State Director
Lange, currently serving her second term as President of the Henderson Democratic Club, previously served as Finance Director to the Dina Titus gubernatorial campaign in 2006, during which time she raised more than $3.8 million. Her experience includes several congressional and statewide campaigns. In 1998, she served as Deputy Campaign Manager for Senator Harry Reid's re-election campaign.
"Nevada and the West are critically important to this Presidential election and to my campaign," said Governor Richardson. "Candidates must recognize that Nevada's issues are unique and therefore they must have a staff that understands the West. Roberta is a talented political professional and a strong leader with friendships and ties throughout the state. I am proud to announce that she will lead my Nevada campaign."
"It is an honor to work for such an accomplished candidate," said Lange. “As a seasoned diplomat and executive leader, only Governor Richardson has the actual experience to get us out of Iraq, make the economy work for the middle class and combat global warming. Moreover, Governor Richardson is one of us. As a Westerner, he faces the same issues Nevadans live with everyday. From growth and water issues, to renewable energy, protecting our land and Yucca Mountain, Governor Richardson has the hands-on knowledge and understanding Nevadans want in their next President.”
Lange began her political career after being elected President of her local teacher’s union while teaching Physical Education in Washington State. She moved to Nevada in 1995 to marry her husband, Ken. She taught at Durango High School in Las Vegas from 1997 until she was recruited to work for Senator Reid’s 1998 campaign.
As State Director, Lange will join State Campaign Chairman Reynaldo Martinez, former Chief of Staff to Senator Reid, in shaping the Nevada Campaign. From the new campaign office at 515 S. 7th St. in Las Vegas, Lange and Martinez will lead a team that includes field organizers Javier Trujillo, Theresa Navarro, and Michael Tassone and Communications Director Josh McNeil.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
“Blogosphere” Buzz Builds About New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson’s Weekend Speech to DNC
You can watch or read the Governor’s entire speech at (Also at, LTS)
Here is a sample of some of the Blog postings about Governor Richardson’s speech:
University of Wisconsin College Democrats:
“New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson gave a hell of a speech. It was surprisingly energetic, was excellently delivered, and touched on many points that had been glossed over by other candidates such as sexual orientation, teacher pay, North Korea and his diplomatic experience, a developed strategy in Iraq ... I think, and the consensus in the room I'm sitting in agrees, that Richardson did the best job of putting out a solid plan for America with details where details were due while at the same time conveying a feel good message. Full disclaimer: I took home a Bill Richardson rally sign and put a Bill Richardson bumper sticker on my laptop. I was sold on him today.”
From dailykos:
I'm here to tell you that I went into that room undecided about '08 but leaning to Edwards. That changed after Richardson spoke. He is an amazing speaker who had the audience, many of whom had never heard of him before, eating out of the palm of his hand and cheering wildly for a guy they had never seen before. ... Bill Richardson has rhetorical powers to rival any of the main three (and I think better than Hillary or even Edwards). He gave a powerful speech that had the entire room bursting into what must have been 7 or 8 standing ovations (more I think that Obama or anyone else) ... It was almost embarrassing to hear how experienced he is. .... But the best part was that he wasn't just listing his resume, he was actually mapping out a future plan for the country. He wants us out of Iraq by the end of the year. He wants to restore ties around the world. He wants to bring what he has been doing in New Mexico to the rest of the country. The man has a plan, and he has the experience. ... I don't know how the press is covering this, but he won a lot of converts yesterday. ... Hopefully people give him a chance. This race is not over. Richardson is one of those guys who not only could be President, but who I believe will win people over as they hear from him.
Richardson is amazingly good at pumping up the room. I can feel that he really gets "it" and that he would be a top campaigner. ... Richardson is impressive in a very different way than Vilsack. Richardson has a palpable confidence when speaking of foreign policy and in particular--no surprise here--when speaking of diplomacy. Richardson also has a real charm that seems to bring people in the room to his side. I'm trying to find the right word to describe this..."magnetism," maybe? It's noticeable.
"I don't need 7 minutes, I can do it in four words: 'Elect a Democratic President.'" Gotta love it!! He's got moxie, too, regarding having any of the other Dem candidates as his VP. ... He is surprising me as a speaker--he's pretty good. And I haven't really been considering him. ... He seems positive and is quite--if you will--articulate.
Geez, I had no idea I would start swooning over Bill Richardson. I want to hear more from him.
In a room full of very dull speeches his clearly stood out, as does his experience and record of success. If there's a dark-horse in this race it's him. I can see him going into Iowa knocking the socks off the room and finishing in the top 3 and riding that wave to Denver. I'm saying it here - today - February 3, 2007. Still flirting with Obama, waiting for Gore, but if I had the guts I'd be booking a flight to N.M.
From drydendailykaz:
“He suggested that we need a candidate who can win in every region. He stated that the mission in Iraq was complete and it was time for "our troops to leave with honor." And he finished by saying "Stay loose--we've got a year to go." A real grownup, a terrific speaker, and he just brokered a cease-fire in Darfur. What more could you want?”
From Blue Mass Group:
“And here's some big news: one of the bits of conventional wisdom on Bill Richardson appears to be wrong. The guy's got plenty of charisma. His speech was funny, charming, plain-spoken, bold, passionate, and had the crowd on its feet cheering numerous times. And this was interesting -- few if any of the other candidates talked about this issue, and he got huge applause for doing so.
‘In New Mexico, our fight for equality extends to sexual orientation. For the first time in state history we have a hate crimes law. We've extended civil rights protections to include sexual orientation. And we're providing state health insurance for domestic partnerships.
Some call New Mexico the land of enchantment. I now like to think that we live in a state of enlightenment.’
Did he come out swinging for equal marriage? No. But no one else even bothered to talk about gay rights.
Also, I thought Richardson was excellent on Iraq:
‘The War in Iraq is not the disease. Iraq is a symptom. The disease is arrogance.
A struggle for human rights is worthy of military intervention. A true threat to our country's security is worthy of war. But a struggle between a country's warring factions, where both sides hate the United States, is not worthy of one more lost American life.
As someone who served in Congress for 14 years, I know the power they hold should they choose to wield it. The Congress passed a resolution authorizing war. They need to pass another that overturns that authorization and brings our troops home by the end of this year. You would think that when the Congress realized they were lied to, they would have done something about it. Well, they still can.’
If Richardson keeps wowing crowds like he did at the DNC, I'd look for him to be breaking into the alleged ‘first tier’ soon.”
From Oval Office 2008:
“It surprised me to find New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson delivering the best speech of the whole event - and it surprised me more that his speech was, in my view, better than the rest by some margin ... it was, I have to say, almost (Bill) Clintonesque in execution. He knew his strength was his track record as Governor, and he played on it remorselessly, before moving nimbly onto his foreign policy experience as well. He brought a clear sense of logic to his approach to Iraq, and expressed it with considerable eloquence. He also took the initiative with his call to his fellow candidates for a clean, positive campaign. It was the performance which, for me, most exceeded expectations. If he can do more of the same on the campaign trail and, importantly, get noticed doing it, I think Richardson has the potential to surprise in this campaign.”
From Burnt Orange Report:
“Bill Richardson: Wow. Ok, remember my words here: Bill Richardson will be either of two things in this race - a spoiler for some other candidate much like Clark spoiled Edwards last cycle; or a sleeper candidate who could be thrust into the top tier and have an actual chance in the race. Remember how Bill Clinton did better in NH than expected and the other candidates did worse than expected; propelling him forward. Richardson is poised to do the same. He sure as hell did it this weekend. I had medium expectations of him and he blew me away. He was funny and smart and at-ease. And Presidential. He gave the best speech of the weekend when handicapping for the audience and purpose of the speech. Learn about this guy and pay attention to him. ... Just got back from Richardson's room. From the response he is getting from DNC members, he appears to be a 1st tier candidate. The excitement and size of his crowd was 2nd only to the 1st place tie for Obama and Clinton. I was not the only one heavily impressed with his speech today it appears. None of the other candidates had a reception anywhere close to those three. Well, Edwards might have if he'd stuck around.”
From Demnotes:
“[Richardson] was probably the surprise of the day in terms of his speech. Governor Richardson gave an energetic and exciting speech about what he's been able to accomplish next door in New Mexico, and what he wants to do nationwide. ... I think the best example of the power of Richardson's speech can best be seen by what we saw in the "meet and greet" rooms after the session this morning. Each candidate has a small conference room where DNC Members can come and meet the candidate personally and ask questions. Governor Richardson was the only candidate besides Hillary Clinton to need an ‘overflow room’ for DNC Members to wait because of the crowd in the main conference room assigned to him.” <>
From Wood Co. Democrats:
“On Governor Bill Richardson: Though he went noticeably over the soft seven-minute time limit, he kept the audience with him -- not just because he had supporters strategically located throughout the hall but also because he gave a very good speech.”
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Richardson at the DNC: Step Back, Here Comes the Next President!
Watching this video I know...KNOW...Richardson is the right choice for potus. Haven't seen it? Really? Take a look here...(gratuitous plug for our website Richardson Brings Hope).
Richardson is witty, he is forceful, he is great with the crowd, he is even amazingly able to work all of his ideas and accomplishments into the meager seven minutes allotted by the committee. (Not really, but it was funny so I said it).
Richardson shows us time and again WHY he should be the nominee. I believe in my heart that if we nominate Richardson we have the best shot at winning the White House. I believe in my heart that if we elect Bill Richardson president we will begin to solve so many of the problems facing our country and indeed our world.
Governor Richardson, you absolutely blew me away today. I am so proud to call myself a consitutuent, a supporter, and a grassroots activist for your effort.
Viva Richardson!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Introducing Richardson Brings Hope

These extraordinary times call for extraordinary leadership. We yearn for a peacemaker. We need to believe in honesty and promise and honor in our government. We need to believe once more in our dreams – as individuals, and as Americans. We need to believe in hope again.We need Bill Richardson.
Richardson brings hope and hope is the American dream.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Richardson's Early Days

The above photo was provided by childhood friend Ernesto Miranda, who reminisces about their childhood together, playing baseball in the streets and the Richardson family generosity, it is a really wonderful story. Thank you Free New Mexican, it was a really touching read!
Richardson Responds to the State of the Union
His previous speeches were full of promises later broken -- on energy independence, health care affordability, and fiscal responsibility. And once again, he spoke heartwarming words about bipartisan cooperation that just don't fit the polarizing political tactics of this administration and its allies.
Is anyone really listening to him anymore?
It is clear he is not listening to us. He has mired us in Iraq with no end in sight. Our economy no longer works for millions of Americans and multi-billion dollar deficits threaten Social Security and Medicare.
Fortunately, the American people still have a clear idea of what they want in a president. Earlier this week I asked you to write about your vision of what the next president must be able to do.
Reading your responses, I was struck by your longing for trustworthy and mature leadership, for a president with the vision, competence, and integrity to be respected at home and around the world.
Will you ask someone you know to add his or her voice to the thousands who have spoken out about what America needs in its next president? You can ask your friends to give their input here:
Here are just a few of your comments. Our next president must be able to:
"... inspire us with a vision that clearly articulates what it means to be an American, in terms of our commitment to core values and in terms of our responsibilities to the world at large."
--Robert B., Scottsdale, AZ
"... act wisely, knowing that America's strength is in our ideas, in our democratic tradition, in our constitutional process, and in the engine of opportunity that makes us the wealthiest nation in the world."
--Gregory K., Albuquerque, NM
"... work effectively with the leaders of other countries to develop solutions to economic, environmental, and health problems that have a global impact."
--Carol R., New York, NY
"... hit the ground running. We've learned to our vast dismay that being president is not a job that you can learn as you go. It is quite possibly the hardest job in the world, and inexperience has global repercussions. We can only entrust the Oval Office to someone who has already demonstrated an absolute command of the issues and global challenges facing our nation."
--Geoff C., Brookline, MA
"... unite the country with a positive purpose, both domestic and international. The next president must be someone who can gain the respect of the citizens of this country and of the international community, restoring America as a role model among nations. The next President must be someone who knows how to negotiate and who is willing to talk with all parties to reach some common resolutions."
--Charlene C., OR
I hope you're as inspired as I am by the strong recognition of the challenges we face, and the hope and determination that we can meet and overcome them together.
I've never been more confident that together we can make the state of our union stronger than ever.
Yours sincerely,
Governor Bill Richardson
The Growing Richardson Netroots Movement
Terry of CommonTerry, one of the most interesting and pithy blogs I have seen around lately, writes, "Bill Richardson is likely to be the lone governor, running against a host of senators. Therefore, although he is not currently considered to be one of his party's top-tier presidential prospects, he should not be thought of as a long shot either. Indeed, he could be the dark horse among the Democrats. " Be sure to cruise over and read the whole article, and spend some time looking around, it is a very cool blog.
Cee Jay of Cee Jay's Cyberspace writes, "While Richardson isn't liberal enough for my taste on a few issues, I think he can bring our country together to make progress and restore our reputation in the world community." Be sure to visit her blog too, Cee Jay and I have corresponded since her entry here, and she is a very engaging person, with a lot of insight into the world and its transitory nature.
There is a lot of activity out there, though, and most of it seems to be really positive. Of course there are a few out there who use their blogs to perpetuate innuendo and gossip, but even bloggers who support other candidates have positive things to say about Richardson. That really speaks to his ability to appeal to a broad spectrum of the electorate.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Yesterday's announcement from Sudan that Governor Bill Richardson had brokered a 60-day cease fire between warring factions has garnered a wide-range of reactions. I posted a diary on Daily Kos here... (and I have to brag a bit, I had it up there before any of the national media had gotten the story up!) which quickly reached the Recommended Dairies list and stayed there for 9 hours! There was a flurry of really interesting commentary, which bears some perusing.
Here are a few contributions from the mainstream media...
Of course the blogosphere went wild...and this is my personal favorite, from the UK, Daniel Owen's fabulous blog Oval Office 2008 .
Naturally, this announcement has led to broader speculation that Richardson will run for POTUS, and I am really excited about this. I am standing by, Governor, ready to shout your announcement from the rooftops!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Richardson Brokers Cease Fire in Sudan
KHARTOUM, SUDAN – New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson today announced that he has secured a commitment from Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al Bashir to agree to a 60-day cessation of hostilities in the Darfur region to allow for a new political process under the Darfur Peace Agreement and the auspices of the African Union and the United Nations. Governor Richardson also spoke this week with rebel leaders who said they would agree to a cease-fire. If all parties follow through with the cease-fire, the A.U. and the U.N. will convene a Peace Summit on March 15 under the framework of the peace agreement.
Governor Richardson also secured the following commitments from President Al Bashir:
· Agreed not to have the National military aircraft painted in white markings normally reserved for international organizations.
· Agreed that government forces would attempt to improve security conditions in all areas of Darfur with special emphasis on El Geneina, and would provide protection to food and other humanitarian convoys.
· Agreed to expedite procedures for entry visas for all humanitarian aid workers as well as goods. He also agreed to terminate the requirement of exit visas for humanitarian aid workers.
· Agreed to allow and facilitate travel by journalists from all over the world to Darfur.
· Governor Richardson and President Al Bashir reiterated that gender-based violence and such crimes must be condemned and prosecuted regardless of which party or organization was responsible. President Bashir said he would welcome a significant contribution of female members to the AU/UN hybrid operations. In addition the Justice Minister offered analyze and extend existing efforts to support Sudanese women against all gender-based violence.
Joint Press Statement on the conclusion of the visit by Governor Bill Richardson to the Sudan
7th – 10th January 2006
H.E Bill Richardson Governor of New Mexico accompanied by a delegation sponsored by and including members of the Save Darfur Coalition, the leading United States-based Darfur peace advocacy organization, conducted a visit to Sudan to discuss ways to secure peace in the Darfur region of Sudan and the protection of all civilians and other non-combatants. The Governor and the delegation visited EI Fasher and Nayala in Darfur, for meetings with internally displaced persons in Darfur, rebel groups that are signatories to the (DPA) as well as those which are not as of yet, international agencies, the United Nations, and humanitarian aid as well as the Wali of North Darfur and the Deputy Wali of Southern Darfur States and held meetings in Khartoum with H.E President Omer Hassan Al Bashir,Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali Ahmed Karti and a number of high ranking Sudanese officials.
Both sides agreed that ending the conflict in Darfur is Sudan's and the international community’s highest priority. Peace, they agreed, can only come through a political settlement that is joined in by and addresses the needs of all parties, on the basis of the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) of 5 May 2006 reiterating their support for preserving Sudan's territorial integrity and the importance of respect for Sudan's sovereignty.
Both sides agreed that there was a compelling need for a comprehensive cease-fire to launch a political process based on the DPA that would lead to a durable end to the conflict as soon as possible. Both agreed to a 60-day cessation of hostilities by all parties within the framework of the DPA, accompanied by a start in African Union/United Nations diplomatic efforts, within the framework of the DPA, to begin narrowing the gaps between the non-signatories, including government approval of a field commanders' conference attended by the African Union and United Nations. This would be followed at the appropriate moment by an African Union/United Nations – sponsored peace summit, again in the framework of the DPA, no later than 15 March 2007. Simultaneously, both agreed that the UN needed to expedite as quickly as possible the provision of UN personnel agreed in Addis Ababa and further specified in Abuja in November 2006. President Bashir re-affirmed his commitment to continue to facilitate the deployment of UN personnel and equipment consistent with his agreement with the Secretary General of the UN on Phases II and III, including the eventual conclusions of the Tripartite Committee as stipulated in the DPA.
The two sides noted that Governor Richardson had secured a commitment from commanders of the Justice and Equality Movement and of the Non-Signatory Front to participate in a process including a 60-day cease fire agreement within the framework of the DPA. Governor Richardson and Save Darfur Coalition expressed their grave concern to all parties with whom they met about continuing and increasing attacks on civilians and other non-combatants.
They reiterated that gender-based violence and such crimes must be condemned and prosecuted regardless of which party or organization was responsible, noting that Governor Richardson and the Save Darfur Coalition emphasized the need in all their meetings for implementing mechanisms to ensure that "zero tolerance" policies towards gender-based violence be applied in practice, quickly and robustly. Governor Richardson noted with appreciation President Bashir's commitment to welcome a significant contribution of female members to the AU/UN hybrid operations. Both sides expressed their grave concern at allegations of gender based violence by United Nations personnel in South Sudan.
Governor Richardson and the delegation also met with the Under-Secretary of Justice, the Rapporteur of the Advisory Council for Human Rights and Dr. Attigatt who presented a briefing on Sudanese Government efforts to institutionalize protections for women. The Governor and the delegation accepted the offer to work with the Ministry to analyze and extend existing efforts to support Sudanese women against all gender-based violence.
President Bashir and Governor Richardson also agreed that more light needs to be shed on the full situation in Darfur. President Bashir agreed to allow and facilitate travel by journalists from all over the world to Darfur.
The two sides underscored the need to disarm all armed groups, including the Janjaweed, pursuant to the provision of the DPA, and further agreed not to have the National military aircraft painted in white markings normally reserved for international organizations.
President Bashir agreed that government forces would attempt to improve security conditions in all areas of Darfur with special emphasis on El Geneina, and would provide protection to food and other humanitarian convoys. They also agreed that humanitarian aid agencies have greatly assisted the Government and people of Sudan by providing much needed emergency and development aid in Darfur and other parts of Sudan. President Bashir agreed to expedite procedures for entry visas for all humanitarian aid workers as well as goods. He also agreed to terminate the requirement of exit visas for humanitarian aid workers. President Bashir noted with satisfaction the strong statements by the Save Darfur Coalition to rebel commanders condemning attacks by their members on humanitarian aid operations and agreed to initiate an ongoing dialogue with the Save Darfur Coalition aimed at ending the violence in Darfur and on achieving a political solution to the crises.
The two sides agreed to apprise African Union Special Envoy Salim Ahmed Salim and United Nations Special Envoy Jan Eliasson of these developments, so that the African Union and United Nations will facilitate the commanders meeting and launch the political discussion and to maintain regular communication assessing progress on these important initiatives to identify areas of difficulty on which further engagement may be necessary to ensure rapid progress and durable outcomes.
Both sides agreed that an improvement of relations is in the mutual interest of both countries.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
From Michelle in Colorado...
Welcome to 2007!
Two feet and change of some pretty heavy, wet snow fell for two days straight. We in the east mountains are still digging out.
I hate snow.
Oh well, I can still hope for a President Richardson Boots n' Bolos Inaugural Ball!
Here is my consolation prize....